COSSACKS - Cossack
In the free land where Witer walks,
A bonfire is burning with the Cossack brothers.
Cossack brothers gathered for a walk,
In a quiet night near a clean river.
There, the moon on the sabers will sparkle brightly,
And the smoke from the bonfire rises into the sky.
Spears, sabers, and horses in the fog,
Bandura is played in the Cossack state.
Go for a walk, brother, for fun,
Because the battle awaits us, for faith and glory.
Let's go for a walk, brothers, music will play,
May the Angels of God protect us!
Look at the sky, there the stars rejoice,
And Cossack souls do not grow old there.
Let the song ring and the heart beat,
And a happy fate will smile at everyone.
And we fought for faith, and we will fight again,
And we will never forget the glory of the Cossacks!
Let's raise our glasses for the earth, that will,
We ask God for a happy fate.
Let's ask God to save the people,
Let's pray brothers near clean water.
May the Almighty hear our souls,
And the Cossack army will rule again.
May the Lord protect all the faithful,
We appreciate the brothers of life every moment!
And we will not forget who fell in battle.
Their Cossack souls rest forever.
And the kobza flirts, the grove in the field makes noise,
Let our tulumbas not thunder for now.
And the song sounds about our freedom,
About you who is faithful from the Cossack family.
Go for a walk, brothers, the night is running merrily,
And the Cossack song flies into the sky.
And everyone will hear our sincere voice.
So let's be brothers! While there is time!
Let's have a nice walk, like the last time,
We all know - we have to live, because everything has its own time.
But you must remember that the enemy does not sleep,
Tomorrow the sabers will sing, the field will thunder.
Save us, Holy One, save our family,
Drive away those black forces, get rid of all troubles.
Help us all saints, we pray to you.
Well, now it's time for us Cossacks to go for a walk!
(c) COSSACKS Evgeny Kolot
mastered by DJ Vovking