Moral code of the Cossack
Cossacks - brotherhood of people united by a special state of spirit and consciousness, morality and ethics.
The glorious past of the Cossacks, the deeds and wills of our ancestors give us the right to proudly say:
"Glory be to You, Lord, that we are Cossacks!"
In the Cossacks, the general was always higher than the personal. Cossacks have always served their native land, the Orthodox Faith, their people and the state.
- Protect the honor of youth, preserve dignity under any circumstances.
- Have the will to admit your wrongdoing.
- If necessary, beat yourself up.
- Giving respect to others, do not humiliate yourself.
- Do not envy others and do not hold evil in your heart.
- Do not be arrogant, and do not allow in your thoughts that you are above other Cossacks.
- Do not teach anyone from above, look at yourself first.
- Be friendly, but not flattering.
- Have a broad soul. Meet the blows of fate steadfastly.
- Having committed a shameful act, have the willpower to make the right decision yourself.
- Cossacks are equal, both in rights and in responsibility for the committed, regardless of general condition, education and past merits.
- The decision made at the Council is a law for everyone.
- No one can deprive an adult Cossack of his speech, except for the commander in the formation.
- Any Cossack can be elected to any position.
- To preserve the unity of the Cossacks, a Cossack should not be in political parties.
- Do not do bad deeds and prevent others from doing them.
- Be honest and truthful, do not be afraid to suffer for truth and faith.
- Do not be tempted by profit, or selfishness, or dishonest income, or present glory.
- Do not succumb to harmful passions.
- Do not indulge in alcohol, tobacco is also not good for you or others.
- Avoid slander. 3nai: mat as early as the thirteenth century was invented by the enemies of our people to insult our Mothers and Faith.
- Be an example of your life and protect the offended, help the suffering, feed the hungry, do not let the weak in Spirit and body fall.
- A Cossack is a servant of his Fatherland and a defender of it from external and internal enemies.
- Cossacks see their main purpose in the protection of the Orthodox Faith, serving the people and the Motherland for their well-being, and not for their own benefit and glory.
- The Cossack is ready to shed his blood for this.
- Cossack! Remember that every word you say is the word of your people, the word of the Cossacks.
- If you let out a word, you won't catch it.
- Speak, but do not speak, because what is simply said is not simply heard.
- Stability of honor in the word.
- Respect your elders.
- Remember! Without the approval of the elders, more than one important decision cannot be implemented.
- The authority of the elders is not from strength, but from authority, merit and wisdom.
- Listen to the words of the experienced and you will avoid many mistakes.
- Consider every old man as your father, and an old Cossack woman as your mother.
- Be polite and helpful with those who are senior in rank and position, give them the established honors.
- Cossack! Be pious and prayerful.
- Do not forget your heavenly Father, and he will not leave you in a difficult moment, will encourage and support you, guide you on the true path.
- Do not forget the Orthodox Church.
- Visit and support temples and holy abodes.
- Six days for yourself and work. The seventh is to God. "Without God there is no threshold."
- If a doubt has touched your soul and you do not know how to act, act according to the customs of your people and the Faith of your ancestors.
- Remember! The Cossack custom has always united the family, the community and the entire Cossacks.
- Know in order to have a correct assessment of the affairs of the Faith of our fathers. Follow the prescriptions of the Decree of the Holy Apostles and the Eight Ecumenical Orthodox Councils.
- Follow them, be intolerant of heresy and blasphemy. To be silent about the truth is the same as to deny it.
- Be friendly with your comrades, help them in need with word, advice and deed.
- How you will treat them, so they will treat you. And you will deserve universal love, and what could be better than that!
- Remember that where there is one for all, and all for one - no one is afraid. They are invincible.
- This was always the case with the Cossacks. Mutual benefit is the basis of the Cossack brotherhood.
- How can you look into the eyes of the mother of a friend whom you could have saved.
The goal of the Cossacks' observance of the norms of behavior is the revival of the Cossacks, strengthening of its authority, restoration of the Cossack spirit and traditional relations, awareness of each Cossack's belonging to the Cossack family.
Under any circumstances, the disrespect of a Cossack to a Cossack (personal insult), to the Council, the Cossack society, the elderly and elected officials is excluded, because this calls into question the very concept of the Cossack brotherhood, as a movement of like-minded people, the strength of the Cossack family, whose interests are represented on the Council, the eldest in the family or one of the Cossacks (by choice). A Cossack in a Cossack salutes all Cossacks.
Chieftain - a symbol of collective will, the elder - experience and tradition.
A Cossack who does not adhere to traditional norms of behavior behaves differently - he offends everyone.
A Cossack must, in deed and appearance, be an example of impeccable behavior, exact and unwavering compliance with the requirements of the Cossack Statutes, traditions and customs of the Cossacks. He is obliged to be sincere with everyone, easy to communicate with, to think of his friend as an equal.
The respectful attitude of a young Cossack to an elder is the attitude to a father - a commander and a mentor.
A Cossack must serve the Orthodox Church of Christ, the Cossacks and the Motherland.
It is a holiday to observe the tradition and customs of the Cossacks - our glorious ancestors.
To be brave, truthful and honest, conscientiously perform assigned work and help others.
Obey the decisions of your community and higher structural bodies.
Protect the honor of the Cossacks and the members of the Cossack society, consolidate and protect Cossack traditions, cultivate high culture in yourself and your loved ones, love for the Faith of Christ and the Motherland.
To respect the national feelings of other peoples, but to resolutely resist any manifestation of anti-Christian, anti-Cossack and anti-Slavic sentiments. Do not allow insults and humiliation to your address and to the address of your brothers - Cossacks and members of their families.
Wearing epaulettes and other insignia without a corresponding order is considered an insult to the uniform. With his posture, dexterity, dexterity, a Cossack should stand out among others, both military and civilian. He must understand that he is always a Cossack - both in public and at home.
Discipline is a Cossack's second mother!
Cossack always remembers the responsibility to:
• by the Lord God and the Orthodox Church;
• By flag;
• icon and priest;
• memory of ancestors (graves);
• parents and grandparents;
• a woman;
• a disabled person.
The younger, the first to greet the older Cossack by age and rank, gives way to him.
Misunderstanding by the elders of the younger ones, in one or another issue, which is not a reason to justify the insolence on the part of the younger ones.
He who does not respect the Cossacks, first of all, does not deserve respect himself, this also applies to the minority in the Council, it has the right to defend its opinion only within the framework of the Charter.
The Cossack remembers that the checker is not removed from the wall unnecessarily and is not taken out of the scabbard. A Cossack who takes checkers on a whim is not worthy and has no right to bear arms.
A Cossack who offended the Orthodox Faith, the elderly, a woman, the infirm with words, and equally with actions and other deeds, who desecrated and neglected the memory of ancestors, who inflicts a deliberate insult or other action in relation to a neighbor and a brother - a Cossack - from the members a member of the Cossack society must be expelled, his name is subject to dishonor, and his body to physical suffering.
A Cossack society, in which the Cossack commandments and norms of the Cossack dormitory are not observed, has no moral right to exist.
A Cossack is any Orthodox person, and the main thing is that he realizes himself as a Cossack and lives according to the principles of Cossacks, who serves his people with all his soul and all his mind, who is a member of the Cossack society and fulfills its Statutes.
A Cossack must be an impeccable citizen, an example of morality in everyday life and service.
Cossacks always believed in the principle of conscience.
Faith in God is a gift. Cossack customs are related to Orthodoxy, a member of the Cossack society is obliged to follow them together with his brothers. A Cossack understands his life as serving God, fulfilling his commandments through serving the Motherland and the people.
Cossack must:
• solemnly and inviolably observe the laws and the Cossack oath;
• to be disciplined, truthful, honest and brave, not to spare one's strength and one's life in fulfilling one's Cossack duty;
Cossack is obliged to:
• firmly know, skillfully and faithfully fulfill the decisions of the Council, the requirements of the statutes of Cossack societies and one's duties in the position held;
• constantly improve your knowledge and skills;
• to raise family members and especially children and grandchildren in the spirit of devotion to their Motherland, the Orthodox Church and the Cossacks;
• carry the Cossack honor high, protect the dignity of the Cossack, his customs and traditions, constantly follow the Christian commandments of love for one's neighbor, law-abidingness, religious tolerance, diligence and peace;
• show reasonable initiative when performing the tasks set before him; 6
A Cossack is obliged to observe Cossack customs and traditions, to observe the principles of Cossack morality:
consider every old man as his father, an elderly Cossack woman as his mother.
Just as the elderly should treat those who are younger as their own children.
Every Cossack is his sister, whose honor and dignity should be carried above his own head; every Cossack is a brother;
to love and protect each child as one's own.
An insult to one Cossack is an insult to all.
In case of insult or need, the Cossack is obliged to come to the aid immediately, with all his strength and means, without request from the needy.
A Cossack, who has allowed a tactless attitude or insult to a woman, bears responsibility of a disciplinary or physical nature.
A Cossack has no right to interfere in women's affairs.